This week's hike left me utterly speechless, immersed me in thoughts of all the Christmas movies I knew and made me feel like roots were growing out of my feet into the very rocks beneath me. No part of me wanted to leave the secluded waterfalls with nary a soul around but us. I was gobsmacked that I almost didn't do this hike. It was my feet that chose it really...only because they had to. The last two weeks have left my feet a little reminiscent of hamburger and they were still very much on fire. Surely quite overdone. So I had to think of a hike where I could do under 12 miles and be okay with it. I needed a hike where I wouldn't have a ton of elevation gain and loss and where I could ideally keep my feet dry without wearing heavy snow boots. Since I knew water levels were still running high from all our recent rains, this waterfall hike near Mt. St. Helens came to mind. I had done it one time a number of years ago, but never in December. I prayed that my timing would be such that we could get over the little pass to get there. That road is often closed and gated this time of year due to snow, but from what I could tell, it was still open late this season.
We definitely had snow on the drive there, but as we dropped in elevation into the little gorge where this river runs, most of it was gone. We were the only truck we saw on the roads and the trailhead parking lot was barren. We parked near a sign and outhouse to gear up for the day. I read the sign and asked myself if they really meant there was danger. Too serious this early in the day for me! But due to some lingering ice and snow and even more obvious mud, I did decide to wear my microspikes over my boots for the cliffside trails. I figured that would be safer, although I didn't need the sign to know that.

It didn't take long to reach our first view of the day. We could hear it long before we even saw it. The roar of this was astounding! The spray up into our faces freezing! Our hearts were pounding already and we had barely even started! This is a place you really do want to watch your step and not be stupid. I made sure to explain this to Josie as I know her too well.

We stood and watched the thundering water for some time. It was a windy day and the tree tops were swaying above us as the spray off the water billowed up to touch our faces like thousands of needles. But it all felt magical and I couldn't wait to see the other water falls we would be hiking past today! I couldn't believe no one else had ventured out to see these today. I asked the girls, "Okay, are we ready to head up this river?" They both answered in the affirmative with their big soft and trusting eyes.

The well traveled path told me that many visitors do come here, but most likely in the summer months. At least there would be no route finding challenges today I thought to myself. The trees were draped in moss and bright green ferns waved at us as we passed by. This area was mostly evergreen trees and alternated with some pretty old growth sections. The immense size of some of these trees made us stop and appreciate them. I like to put my hand on the trunks of especially large trees and say a blessing over them. I pray they will continue to live a long life. I like to show them my respect as they are so much older than I! I often think about what the world was like when these giants were mere babies. How much they have seen! I would love to hear their stories, but can only walk beneath their mighty canopies and imagine. Sometimes I do hear their whispers on the winds though and it is truly music to my ears.
Josie was happy to get down to the level of the river and wanted to go for a swim in the frigid and fast moving waters. Nova was perfectly content to keep her dainty tootsies on the bank of the river, although she did get a drink.

We ran into a few switchbacks and gained a small amount of elevation, but nothing very significant. As we hiked eastward however, we started to see more snow on the trail. Josie was thrilled and of course ate mouthfulls as we moved along.
At one point we came around a corner and startled a large bird who was on the ground. He was quite beautiful, but I had no idea what he was. He was the size of a robin, but mostly grey with a little white and black. What I loved most about him was the way he carried on a conversation with us. He sang a lovely song that seemed to never end, alternating with what seemed to be his trying to communicate with us. He then followed us along the edge of the trail. As he would fly from one tree to the next, he always stayed just ahead of us so he could watch our every move while talking and singing to us. I started to talk back and wave to him and he would excitedly answer in kind. Then he was joined by an identical friend and they both came along the trail to serenade us. It went on for what felt a very long time. Longer than was natural. I sensed that they were sent to watch over us and keep us company. It made me think of the Christmas movie the Nutcracker and the Four Realms where an owl is sent to fly along and watch over the Princess. This being December and all, it seemed very fitting. (After I got home, I did some research and my new friends look just like the Mockingbird. Just imagine that! I might have met a Mockingbird! In fact, I read that Mockingbirds in the State of Washington are more often seen in winter, which surprised me! I learned that the Mockingbird is considered a symbol of innocence and Native Americans believed they gave you special powers if they visited you. I also read that the bird can learn up to 200 songs in a lifetime and often mate for life. I could not feel more blessed having met these new friends! But now I wonder what new power they left with me??)
Before long as we found more snow on the trail, I couldn't help but sing that I was dreaming of a white christmas from Bing Crosby's classic 1940's Christmas movie White Christmas.

Soon we came to another waterfall. This one was not nearly as large as the last one, but was instead tall and skinny. It landed on a solid rock base though which made the most satisfying thundering boom throughout the forest all around it. The spray coming off at times filled the air throughout the trees. No wonder it was so green all around this section. It was as if it was raining all the time in this mini rainforest created by the waterfall.

At this point, we started to descend deeper into the canyon where the river cut through the bedrock. We could hear the thundering once again and knew a large waterfall was coming. I remembered this one and how you could stand level with the top of the falls down in the slender ravine. I wondered how close we could get today if the water was overflowing its banks. It didn't take long to find out, and as we stood next to the pounding waters, a rainbow grew out of Josie the Wolf's head! I was absolutely stunned speechless. What can one really say in a moment like this? It was magical. Clearly 2023 is the year of the rainbow for me.

We stood frozen in place as I felt as though I, myself, was transforming into a tree in the forest by the falls. My roots were going deep. I could not have moved my boots if I wanted to. We stood and listened to the booming of the waters and watched the colors of the rainbow fade and then grow more brilliant and back and forth. It was as if it was alive! At times it lengthened up into the sky and other moments it was short and just floating above the waters. Part of me wanted to walk right out into it, but then remembered the sign at the trailhead and restrained myself. When I could finally get my boots to budge, we climbed down beneath the falls a bit and did some bushwacking to get another view. The rainbow was directly over the steepest section of these falls and was touching the waters. I could see the colors going in and out of the water through my sadly obstructed lower view. We watched until the rainbow finally dissipated as quickly as it had formed. After picking a few thorns and slivers out of my hands from the off trail exploration, we went back up the trail to continue to the next waterfall that I knew was coming. It was my favorite and after the way our day was going, I couldn't wait to get there!
But we took the time to enjoy the trail as we moved ever upriver to our east, trying not to rush. There were times when water was pouring off the rocks next to and above us, giving us a bit of a shower. Nova and I tried to run these sections, but Josie of course wanted to go slow and savor the water pouring onto her back. The trail hugged a high rocky cliff along the river and I couldn't help but look up and enjoy the view of her mossy rock face. So much beauty all around for us to savor!!

While hiking this upper stretch of trail, I started to become obsessed with what Christmas movie had a rainbow in it. Surely there must be one I thought! But as I racked my brain I couldn't think of a single one. Eventually I had to settle the question. One of my very favorite Christmas movies is the Dolly Parton Smokey Mountain Christmas from the 1980s. There was a theme of magic in that one.....so I figured rainbows and magic go together and paired that movie to my experience at the last falls.
As we meandered up the trail, I did a quick systems check and realized that my feet were not hurting too badly. I wasn't sure if this was a sign that I had worn the right combination of braces and bandages, along with light weight waterproof runners, or if I had just chosen the perfect trail to give my feet a good rest. Either way, I was pleasantly surprised.
What I was not thrilled about was a new issue though. I am guessing that either my foot issues or my microspikes were behind this strange new event that kept happening on the trail today. I kept twisting my ankles, which is very unusual for me. One time it was so bad, that my entire body simply buckled beneath me and I hit the ground hard right on my knees unable to right myself before the earth caught me. It startled both myself and the girls! But I had worn double knee braces (both a compression sleeve and patellar strap) on my bad knee today and had even put a sleeve on my good knee since it had been acting up the last month or so. Thankfully those braces took the brunt of my impact saving me from new bruises to anything except my pride I suppose.
My thermo-regulation seemed pretty good despite the winds and temps in the forties today. I did not even need to pull all the layers out of my pack, which is always a good sign. All in all this December hike was going beautifully! But true beauty was what we were about to see.

This was surely the loudest waterfall of all. In fact, it made me think of my favorite lines from the infamous Christmas Vacation movie. You know the one...."You couldn't hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant." Yup, we surely could not hear that over the roar of these falls! The water was pouring from multiple directions and we could see snow in the trees above it. Every now and then we would watch something fall over the water....a small tree, branches, leaves, and so forth. Part of me wanted to see something really big go over as we stood there! You could actually hear rocks moving and falling with the force of the waters. The green pool the cold waters gathered in was deep and made the Wolf want to swim again. "No, no Beastie, let's not get wet again now." I told her. "Clarence the angel is not here to save you like he did for George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life!"

Nova knew exactly what to do with this waterfall though. She, being a Princess, wanted to do a photoshoot, despite the wicked spray being blown up onto us by the winds from across the pool. You can never convince me that she is not the most photogenic dog on the planet!

I had thought about continuing up the trail from here, but reminded myself that I was trying to limit my miles today. If I continued, I knew I would break that 12 mile boundary I set for myself. Besides, this special secluded bowl was a place that seemed like heaven to stay and linger in. So I pulled out my thermos and the girl's bowls to serve up some supper. Everything was wet from the spray, but we found some boulders and logs to sit on. After eating, the Wolf was not shy about making herself a bed. She can make the most inhospitable place a cozy 4 poster bed I can you that! She does not mind lumpy cold rocks or a wet pillow filled with slivers.

After resting for awhile and just soaking in the beauty, I noticed that Nova was starting to get cold from sitting still. Despite her pink fur lined coat, she needed something more. I reached into my pack to pull out a snood for her head. Both girls had their own reactions to the pink thing I held in my hands.

Yes, today Nova was going to get to wear a new snood. Let me honest with you. I think I might have lost some control on an online Black Friday Snood sale! Today, Miss NovaLeigh Mae, was going to be a bunny. A pink bunny with floral lined ears.

And then even Nova burst out laughing!

But she was now warmer and her ears were dry despite the strong spray filling the canyon. Our laughter was so good for our souls!

Although we never wanted to leave, we eventually had to drag ourselves back onto the path through the woods and along the river that would lead back to our truck. It was growing late and I knew this meant night hiking. I love hiking in the dark, but I especially couldn't wait today to hear the roar of the falls as we would hike past them in the blackness. What a time and place to talk to God!
As we hiked out, I had to tell the girls how the trail had created, yet again, another Christmas movie reference. I told Nova all about the movie Christmas Story and the pink bunny suits. At least she seemed grateful for hers today unlike those boys in the movie!
Love all the Christmas movie references